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Our Most Recent Trip in the Time Machine...

We are a time-traveling film podcast, taking films to different years and recasting them! See what movie we just recasted!

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About the Show...

Like many people, we love talking about movies. But what's different about our show is we not only talk about films, we play a fun game of "What If", by recastng beloved blockbusters, classics, and indie films in different years!


We take a movie out of its original release year (Star Wars, GoldenEye, The Last Dragon, etc.) and we drop it in a new release year! Then we give it a fresh, new cast that's relevant to that new release year.

Quantum Recast film podcast logo
Quantum Recast: We don't just make fan casts. We have rules!

Rules of the Show...

You can't just go through time and change things! Think of the consequences!

Whoever choses the movie and year (example: The Avengers in 1988), they will be the "Director." They will then choose between two different cast lists, from relevant actors of that year, constructed by the other hosts. However, they are bound by rules:


1. Any actor we choose must be in alive in the year we travel to.



We can't bring anyone back from the dead. We're time travelers, not necromancers


Quantum Recast: We can't bring back people from the dead if they're not alive in the year we travel to!
Quantum Recast: Anyone we cast must be free to do so; they cannot be incarcerated, in prison, etc.

2. Anyone we cast must be free to do so; they cannot be incarcerated, in prison, etc.


We're torn on pregnancy, but it doesn't come up that often. Also we don't have enough team members or expertise to perform a proper jail break.

3. Anyone we pitch must be active. We define that as "they must have at least one IMDb credit in the year we travel to or years prior."



We know Baby Brad Pitt exists, but we cannot discover new talent.

Quantum Recast: Anyone we pitch must be active. We define that as "they must have at least one IMDb credit in the year we travel to or years prior."
Quantum Recast: Any actors we choose will lose all major film credits for the year travelled to

4. Any actors we choose will lose all major film credits for the year travelled to (We don't count TV, Broadway, Voice-Overs). This means we can't just be willy-nilly, but it also means sometimes we burn some beautiful movies to the ground.


Sorry Nicolas Cage, you're going to lose all 20 movies you made that year.

The Quantum Crew

Quantum Recast Host and Co-Creator Cory Williams
Quantum Recast Co-Creator & Co-Host Nick Growall



Captain 80s.

Horror & Book Aficionado.

Defender of Sequels.

Host, Producer,



Executive Producer, Host

Recovering Franchise-holic.

Filmmaker & Meme Curator

Beverley D'Angelo Admirer.



Quantum Recast Co-Host Cass Elliott
Quantum Recast Co-Host and Host of Film Exlporation, Ash Hurry










Avid Gamer.

Twitter Local & Scream Queen.

Lover of All Things Loki.

Voted 4th 'Sexiest Man'

in England

Indie/Thriller Buff.

Host of 'Film Exploration'!

Dino Aficionado

John Williams Stan & Swiftie

Hard Sci-Fi Lover





Supporting Staff

Quantum Recast Producer/AI/Guy in the Chair, Terran Sherwood


Producer/AI/Guy in the Chair


Quantum Recast: Voice of the Time Machine, Kristi Rothrock


Voice of the Time Machine



Quantum Recast Podcast Alumni Jesse Risner


Producer, Audio Engineer,



Quantum Recast Movie Podcast Alumni Tanner Risner


Co-Host, Marketing


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